Unfortunately, Bracher’s engagement with the work of other scholars is unnecessarily adversarial, to the extent that he often stretches the point he is citing in order the better to knock it down. The initial ‘scene-setting’ goes over familiar territory, but is useful in situating the novel. Students will find this book attractive, as it offers detailed textual readings and includes references to accessible works of historical scholarship. xv), his study makes a useful contribution to a growing body of secondary literature on Némirovsky. In so far as Bracher’s concern is to resist anachronistic readings and to respect the text’s literary quality rather than conflating it with testimonial documents (p. It is a textual and contextual study that does not seek to locate Suite française in relation to Némirovsky’s previous literary activities, but focuses exclusively on a single text, which is analysed via reference to published sources.

This book is an extended commentary on Irène Némirovsky’s Suite française, which was written during the early years of the Occupation and finally published in 2004.