In this analysis, emerging food trends must become a priority, such as, for instance, biofortified genetically modified (G.M.) crops, which are often excluded from the social debate without any valid scientific evidence being cited. This paper also seeks to mention every objective. These reflections will provide further solutions to the scientific debate from an interdisciplinary perspective, seeking to establish an ethical reference point, which should prevail.

Considering the spirited social and scientific debate on genetically modified organisms (G.M.O.s), which transcends the media and influences public opinion, this paper offers some reflections that may be relevant to a broader analysis of the problem. This paper analyses the problem of world hunger, considering its fundamental quantitative and qualitative aspects in the context of the current demand for sustainable resources and solutions.

Such capabilities should be embedded in educational programmes, to establish guidelines that are incorporated into curricula as transversal orientations to be able to make sustainability a social reality. Finally, the main lines of research in the field of biotechnology are outlined, such as the development of genetically modified organisms and the need to continue defining methods, based on the development of capabilities. Poverty causes disability by limiting human development it creates the conditions for the violation of human rights therefore, an institutional framework and social initiatives aimed at protecting the poor should be established. Given that economic growth does not directly equate to human development, this paper states that it is necessary to address the problem of poverty and hunger from the capacity development framework according to human rights. Sustainability is considered a key driver for innovation that can be used as a basis for assessing the problem of hunger in the world, and the question is inseparable from its ethical aspects. It reflects on the debate about whether transgenic foods should be used, which is more of a social controversy than a scientific one. This paper examines the problem of world hunger and discusses potential solutions to it.